My People Perish For Lack of Knowledge Learning Ungodly Wisdom
Don't Let That Happen!
Guard Yourself with Godly Wisdom
1 – Prepare Yourself by Educating Yourself with Free Movie Documentaries, below.
2 – When You Feel Ready, Get in the War!
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Traveling America: In Search of the Truth has been said to be one of the best documentaries on the internet exposing the New World Order and its’ Satanic Influences. Watch as two Christian missionaries Travel America in search of the Truth.
Kent Hovind: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing is about an anti-christ who has been running rampant destroying lives of Christians. Learn who Kent Hovind really is in this hard hitting documentary.
The Shack Documentary: Witchcraft and Demon Doctrine Exposed is nothing more than New Age propaganda. Satan uses neo-pagan religious fiction like The Shack to confuse baby Christians into worshipping False Deities.
The Spirit of Christmas goes through History Christians like to hide. Find out the Truth about how old Nick is the Devil and how Pagans sacrificed children under Thor’s Tree.
Ridley Scott’s Alien movies are more than Science Fiction and Horror. Like most storytellers and Hollywood movie producers, Ridley Scott uses the Holy Bible as his main storyline.
Church leaders across America are practicing witchcraft. God hates this sin. It is direct disobedience to Him and it is an abomination. Why then are the Sons and Daughters of God letting this happen?
A political figure can not save America. There is only one way to preserve our freedom and prosperity.
More free movie documentaries coming soon
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